
The Guide's purpose is to assist EBRD countries of operation (CoOs) and other jurisdictions in getting ready for setting up online courts. The Guide was developed based on the research and results of the Assessment.

Download the Guide

The Guide contains a Matrix Checklist listing all the prerequisites for setting up an online court. Based on the Checklist there is a web tool below for policymakers to develop a bespoke list of measures to implement an online court in their country.

Build a plan for online court

What does the guide recommend for policy?

  • Have a strategy for public e-service with an integrated e-justice strategy and key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Have a platform for monitoring the strategy and having user input

What legislation should be put in place?

  • Create a framework for e-signature, recognise it as official signing, implement the software and other infrastructure for simple set up and use; consider ways for usage by foreign users;
  • Allow parties to file all documents of a case online, pay any fees and follow the case online
  • Create a system for online service of court documents on the other party
  • Put in place flexible legislation for online hearings in line with the technology pace
  • Enact legislation for electronic enforceable titles, interoperable, secure and with options for cross-border enforceability    

Which court processes to improve?

  • Identify ways to have specialised commercial law knowledge and practice in courts
  • Promote and find uses for alternative dispute resolution to give more options to the parties and unburden the courts; integrate them into online courts
  • Review, simplify and promote use of uncontested claims procedures
  • Review, simplify and promote use of small claims procedure  

What IT infrastructure is essential?

  • Build internet networks and facilitate access to internet
  • Have an integrated, user friendly case management system in courts
  • Develop an accessible public interface for courts  

How to popularise use of online courts?

  • Find ways to get user feedback on as many aspects as possible
  • Make online use mandatory for professional users
  • Advertise and teach the use of e-justice processes and tools
  • Develop easy to follow guidance to apply to court 
  • Create tools for transparency and easy communication with the courts